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TS170-1/4B TORQ-SET® POWER BITS 1/4″ HEX SHANK BULLNOSE / 500 EACH @ $5.24 unit 12 weeks ARO

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TS170-1/4B TORQ-SET® POWER BITS 1/4″ HEX SHANK BULLNOSE / 500 EACH @ $5.24 unit 12 weeks ARO

From $5.24

Why use TORQ-SET®-ACR® bits… 

500 EACH @ $5.24 unit 12 weeks ARO

Removal of TORQ-SET® fasteners can require up to three times the torque of installation due to corrosion and shear loading. Bit “purchase” (contact surface area) is also reduced by paint and corrosion in the bottom of the fastener recess. Cam-out often occurs. Cam-out fatigues the operator and damages the work, usually requiring expensive drill out of the fastener. 

To reduce cam-outs, Zephyr TORQ-SET®-ACR® bits provide better recess fit, bit “purchase,” and delivered torque. 

Made in U.S.A.
Every Zephyr bit proudly wears this mark. We assure you that we will always supply the finest product engineered to last.

Torq-Set® is a registered trademark of Phillips Screw Co. Torq-Set® driver bits are produced in accordance with MS 33781 and the most current Phillips Screw Co. specifications.

Available on backorder

Choose Your Screw Size * 

You must purchase at least 500 of this product

This product can be purchased by increments of 500

your guide to quality and hardness

Only Zephyr of all major screwdriver bit manufacturers gives you a complete part number on the bit to assure that you have the right bit you need for the job.

Use “X” grade for hard sheet metal screws and fasteners. “A” grade is recommended for machine screws.

‘I’ Intermediate hardness is also available on order.

All Zephyr bits are heat treated in small lots for consistent quality. Zephyr’s unique Z-ForgeTM process assures exact dimensional fit in the recess. A Zephyr bit gives the truest fit, longest performance and with our new ACR® bits, the least cam-out and product damage of any available at any price.

Made in U.S.A.

Every Zephyr bit proudly wears this mark. We assure you that we will always supply the finest product engineered to last.

Safety Counts

Zephyr products are designed to be safe under proper working conditions. Be sure that you know the proper way to use a tool before working with it. We recommend the wearing of eye protection when using any hand tool or machine shop tool.

Keep your tools clean, inspect them from time to time, and replace worn or damaged tools. The nominal cost will be more than offset by the reduction in mistakes and the savings on rework.

Zephyr industrial

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